Well, Niamh has settled into SCBU nicely! We had a great, first visit this morning and Niamh had her first breastfeed! She fed for 15 minutes with only one minor desat which she sorted out herself. She was a natural! We used a nipple shield to help her latch on but she was a natural at it once she got started. 15 minutes was a phenomenal amount of time for her, we weren't sure if she would last five minutes as it is very hard for her to breathe, suck and swallow at the same time and she gets very tired. She was breathing all by herself in normal air and no oxygen was given at all. When she went back into her isolette she fell fast asleep :)
I just phoned for an update and she has now gone into an open cot and is desatting nicely. As long as her oxygen levels stay above 88 they are happy with her. They were mostly 90+ when she fed so just brilliant! I can't believe our little miracle, the doctor said yesterday that she is a 'Once in a lifetime baby" Thank God she is ours, we are so lucky. I can't imagine the pain that parents go through that haven't had it as easy as us, we are definitely one of the very lucky ones. I'm so grateful.
Its wonderful to be out of NICU2, I was starting to feel a bit claustrophobic, it really is intense this intensive care lark lol. The nurses all do a wonderful job though, they have been brilliant.
I wish we had taken a photo today, but with a very excited Bailey in tow thats not so easy. He came in when I was holding Niamh and said hello nicely, he touched her on her head really gently. I think he will be good when we come home. Anthony then had to distract him while I fed Niamh.
The fun really starts now. Niamh will initially have one breastfeed a day which I obviously need to be there for so the visits will be carefully timed and worked around and there are no more days off. Im glad I made the most of the last two Tuesdays to stay home, I knew it would ramp up soon. Im not sure how I will deal with two feeds a day, that will be interesting, wish I lived nearer the hospital. I think I will have to hang around a lot. Would be easier if she was my first. Still, I'm determined to breast feed so I will find a way.
Have to prepare for dinner guests now :) Back tomorrow afternoon. I have to be there at 9.30am for the first feed and then we are taking Bailey to the trains again.
Ok, ok, so Im back already! I phoned for another update as Im a bit anxious now she is out in the big wide world so to speak. She is still doing well in air and was maintaining her temperature well too. I have to go and sort out clothes to take with me tomorrow, she is outgrowing things very fast now! She had a brady when she had her feed earlier but the nurse said she gave it much slower next time. I hope she's ok.
Another update, I know, I can't stop phoning lol! Niamh has now been put back on a 'whiff' of oxygen. She was having a few bradys and desats and had to work too hard so a bit of help was needed. She is having a bottle feed at Midnight, hope it is more successful then the five minutes she did yesterday.
I have sorted out a pile of clothes to take with me tomorrow and have labeled them all. Ive run out now so am looking forward to getting the ones I ordered from our Childcare fundraiser, thanks Sarah!
Going to bed now! Night night.