Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Tuesday 18th March

A good day for Niamh today, she has been more stable and has put on more weight. A lot of her weight may be due to fluid but its still a step in the right direction and we will get more of an idea at her weigh in tomorrow. I got to have a cuddle with Niamh today which was wonderful, she was very cute today and I gave her lots of kisses! ;)

It was one of Niamh's nurses last days today before going on an adventure and we wish her all the best x Thanks for everything ;)

Ive been feeling very overwhelmed by everything lately and have decided to talk to one of the hospitals counsellors. Im hoping to get some coping strategies for when it all gets too much. It can't hurt. I also saw a lactation consultant today who was very helpful. I can stay on the domperidone longer term now which is great and should help with things.

I didnt get any good photos today, sorry!


Anonymous said...

Look at that weight gain. She will be in the prestigious 1kg club before we know it...

I think you are very brave for seeking some help with the counsellor. Good on you. What harm can it do!

Keep up the good work. You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

I think you are wise to take the counseling. It can't hurt and you have been through so much these last few months!

Take care
Mel xx

Soph said...

Little Porkette :) She seems to like that milk!! Glad the LC was able to give you a bit of help - really hoping that all works out for you as you want it to.
As for the counsellor, it can only help to talk things out Bin - esp with someone who can offer a bit more than cyber hugs and friendly chat ;-) Though of course those are ALWAYS on offer!! :D
Take care xoxo