Sunday 16 March 2008

Sunday 16th March

Niamh seems to like her new digs! She has been quite stable and has been quick to recover when she does have a bad turn. They have increased her ventilation pressure which seems to be helping. Her weight has dropped slightly, but we were expecting that. The bloods came back good this morning so she is looking pretty good.

It was a bit of a disastrous morning really, Bailey was sick in the early hours so we couldnt take him to his friends as we didnt want him spreading any germs. Anthony stayed home with him while I popped in to see Niamh. Bailey is fine though, no sign that anything was amiss at all which is great! Not sure what that was all about as we are all healthy too (thank goodness)!

I got some more domperidone and also stopped off at the health food shop and got some Fenugreek capsules. I also found a recipe for Lactation Cookies with brewers yeast and linseed meal, mmm yum, ha ha! I think the chocolate chips and sugar will help with the taste though :) I might take some to coffee morning on Tuesday as Im not the only mum who needs to boost supply.


lolliegirl said...

Awwwwwww.. look at her all snuggled up! She's just gorgeous.

Soph said...

Ethan was watching the vid with me and wanted to know 'what that baby was playing with' - should have seen the look I got when I said 'that's her Wookie' lol :D