Friday 28 March 2008

Friday 28th March Day 51

I can't believe Niamh is 7 weeks old! I know it was officially yesterday, but it seems so surreal that I have had a baby. Anyway, she is doing amazingly!! She put on another 70g overnight although I think a lot of that may have been fluid as she is quite swollen again in her little bits and her hands and feet were puffy. I would expect to lose weight tonight. She has been given a diuretic again to help get rid of the fluid so hopefully that will help.

I got a really long cuddle today, she was so stable and seemed to enjoy it.It was so lovely, I couldn't stop kissing her little forehead :) I couldn't beleive how strong she is. I put her on my chest and she lifted her head right up and leaned back to look at me! Niamh fell asleep and I think I wore her out as she snuggled down once she was back in the isolette and fell asleep again.

Father Kevin came in to see Niamh and gave her a blessing which was lovely, he is such a lovely man.


Anonymous said...

I don't know you, but have been following Niamh's blog for weeks now. I am "caspice" from EB. Leoni is in my parents group and told us of Niamh's birth.
She is such an amazing little girl! Congrats on being in the 1kg club too Niamh! I love all the photos and watching her progress.

Siobhan Royle said...

Thanks Cass :) Its amazing how much she has changed!