Monday, 17 March 2008

Monday 17th March

Update: Niamh has been quite settled. She has been quite blocked up so she has had a couple of suppositories today which did the job. Milk has gone up to 6ml/hr (great, just pile on the pressure lol) and she will be weighed tonight.Niamh has had quite a stable morning and was good overnight. She is still having ups and downs and increased ventilation, but is otherwise good.

The domperidone seems to be helping my milk which is great.

Off to playgroup!

I have to say a huge thankyou to my sister who has sent Niamh the most gorgeous presents! A personalised photo album, beautiful, soft woollen blankie and a NICU grosuit in size 700g-1.5kg! Its perfect and has special delivery written on it.

Thankyou so much, they are wonderful, we absolutely love them!!!


lolliegirl said...

Glad to hear that your milk is coming back! Have fun at playgroup!!

Soph said...

Yay go the boobies!! PMSL @ you sharing your cookies around - reminds me of a desp h/wives episode a few weeks back when Lynette took her cookies/brownies to share round *LMAO*
Have a good day!! :D xoxo

Siobhan Royle said...

Well it was insinuated by some (not mentioning any names Posh) that my biscuits did resemble those afore mentioned! If only :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pressies. I love that photo album!

Niamh is going to be the best dressed bub in the NICU!

Am glad to hear your supply is back. Did you like the cookies? Am thinking of making some myself this week as we are having supply issues too.