Friday, 7 March 2008

Friday 7th March

Well, we tried! Niamh was really starting to struggle on the CPAP so she was reintubated today. We feel sad that she has gone backwards, but it was too tiring for her. She is still so little and we are expecting such big things from her. She looked really cute today, it was hard to leave her podgy little cheeks behind. Hopefully she will be more stable back on the ventilation and we can try and get her off it soon.

Bailey has become rather attached to Niamh's wookie!


Leoni said...

I am sorry Bon :-(
I know you wanted her to succeed in this, but on the flip side she has done so, so, so well. She's only 27 weeks gestation, so its to be expected that not all things will go our way. Perhaps when she has put on a bit more weight and she's physically stronger she will cope better. Fingers crossed she piles it on the next few weeks. I think her development thus far has been nothing short of amazing, and you, Anthony and Bailey have come a LONG way in the past 4 weeks. Keep your chin up hun, she'll get there, patience, I know it must be uber hard to see her and leave her each day but by golly there will be a huge party when she finally comes home.

Big hugs to you.



Anonymous said...

She grows more beautiful by the day.
Shes doing such a wonderful job, and is fighting along.
Thinking of her everyday...
Mich (MM)

Soph said...

Oh bugger! Aww poor little 'miss piggy' ;-) She is such a tiny little thing, and has been such a strong little munchkin, but as Leponi said, still only so young. I guess we just have to take these little hiccups and look forward to the next step forward again - knowing our Nimah, there are so many more of those to look forward to over the coming weeks/mths.
LOVE that pic of Bailey and Wookie too - so sweet :)

Anonymous said...

she's doing so well- she is amazing. I know it must feel like a step back but it will help her get strength back. My son, born at 25+3 weeks, went on the C-Pap after 3 weeks of intubation and then a week later had to be re-intubated as he was struggling.
Sending all of you all my love and lots of strength
Anita xoxo