Saturday 22 November 2008

777 All the Sevens!

Niamh now weighs 7kg! And is still sleeping 7-7am sometimes even a bit later! She is doing so well and is a happy little girl. Somebody stopped me today at the shops as Niamh was beaming away at her and she wanted to say hello! She gets so much attention everywhere we go, its funny. She is beautiful though ;)

Niamh is having 3 solid meals a day now as well as her milk feeds. She loves her food and opens her little mouth for more, she gets quite grumpy if I'm not quick enough! She is grabbing toys with both hands now and today passed a toy between her hands which I hadnt seen her do before. She still favours one side so we try and encourage her to look the other way. She can physically turn her head, just prefers not to.

I could swear she woke up and said "Mumma" the other day. It was pretty clear, even Anthony heard it!! Though he thought I had lost the plot when I suggested she had said "I'm Niamh" LOL!

Bailey has been getting better at playing nicely with her. He still has his moments but he does love her very much and the feeling is definitely mutual! Niamh adores him.


Leoni said...

Wow 7kgs, that is fantastic Bon. Liandra is 6.6kgs, so not far behind. She looks soooo cute in her pics on this blog ;-)
Great to see her doing so well, makes me warm and fuzzy inside.


Anonymous said...

I am so very happy that your precious Niamh is still doing so very well.

What an inspiration huh!! Would love to see some new pictures. ;)

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.

Sam (YosemiteSam from EB)

Ailsa said...

I popped in to see if there was an update!
Happy First Birthday darling Niamh!
And many many many more to come.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday i thought of Niamh and had to pop in and wish her a very happy birthday sweety... I hope you enjoyed your day...
